
Tuesday 10 November 2015

Genius Hour

Last term we started a passion project and the topic I chose was "My Softball Journey". I chose this topic because I enjoy playing softball and it is something I am good at. I hope you enjoy.


  1. Hi Sophie,
    I love playing softball just like you do, what got you in to softball?
    What was your favorite team out of all the teams you've been in?
    I really hope you get in to the canterbury softball team and also wish you get in the white sox too.

  2. Hey Sophie
    I liked the topic you picked and the pictures you put on.
    Why do you want to get in the white socks?

  3. Hi Sophie, I can see that our very passionate about softball. Do you have an acheivment you have acheived in softball?

  4. Hi Sophie
    It was cool to see someone that did there passion project about themselves. What would you change if you did it again?

  5. I loved hearing about your project. It was so great to see and hear you talk so confidently about something you are passionate about. I can't wait to see you in the White Sox one day. Send me a free ticket. ;)

    Miss Blair :)


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