
Monday 29 June 2015

Genius Hour Update

Genius Hour Update

In the past few weeks I have been looking for mentors and emailing them. I have most of my family as mentors as many of them played for canterbury. In the next week or so I will hopefully be finding some photos and posting more updates.

If you have any questions or ideas about what I could put in my video please leave a comment :)

Tuesday 2 June 2015

100WC #35

Prompt : ...but it made my tongue tingle...

Today is the last day of summer holidays so I'm going to make the most of it. I’m going out with my best friend for ice cream and a walk along the beach, it’s a beautiful day. I set out to the ice cream shop with my friend, we talk all the way there. When we get there I get the new flavour; Sour Lemon. As we make our way toward the sandy beach I take a lick of my ice cream, but then it made my tongue tingle and feel furry. I cringed and accidentally dropped the ice cream.