
Wednesday 21 October 2015


It's 108 words but it's close enough,

Legend says there used to be a black balloon that floated around town. No one had ever deared to touch the balloon in fear of what might happen if it popped. But one day some kids were fooling around with the balloon and even though they knew the legends they didn't care. One of the kids held out the balloon ready for one of the other children to pop it, but just as the child came up to pop it, the balloon exploded. Only one of the children lived. But he turned mental all he could say was,
 "It felt like..." And then he would just stop.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sophie, I really like your 100 word challenge writing.I think it's very descriptive and I like how it's kind of a mystery.It's very creative that you end it in a kind of cliffhanger.


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